Rick Shiels reviews Q

Rick Shiels reviews Q

Rick Shiels’ full review of Q has just gone live.

Since first announcing the Q in 2021, a question we have been asked 100s of times (perhaps 1000s) is "When is Rick Shiels going to review it?".

Well we're thrilled to report... today!

Watch now:

In his review, Rick plays three holes with Q (hitting some top-shelf shots in there - you'll have to watch to see what we mean)

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A few of our favorite quotes:

It's quite simple actually. You push it in, twist the head, and boom, you've got less loft. That's a putter. Hey, what an idea!"
This club does it all. Now granted it's not legal [for competition use], but just coming out for a nice little casual stroll playing a few holes at your local course—I mean, it's a hell of a reason.
"I've literally got one club, a couple of golf balls, and that's me. I'm out playing golf. If that's not a good reason, I don't know what is."
"All three puts I've had with it so far, the ball rolled surprisingly better than I expect—a lot better than I expect."
"This is perfect. You could even strap it to the frame of your bike potentially. It's another reason if it means more people can get into golf because they don't have to lug the 14 clubs around, I'm all for it."
"The design is clever, giving credit to the guys who designed this. A lot of thought's gone into this. It really has." (us: **hat tip)

Towards the end he struggles with some of the lofted settings, but this is an area that requires a little practice. For a first attempt, he played brilliantly overall!

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